All Your Favorite Sets—Reimagined

Phish Phan Podcast, Heady Merch, Nostalgic Collectibles.


PhanSets Hi-Fi Stereo Podcast

All Phish all the time.Tune in to for the latest tour gossip, show reviews, and other Phish nuggets.

PhanSets T-Shop

Heady T-Shirt Mills

From the lot to the encore, we’ve got your back (and your front). Rock your tee wherever the jam takes you. ⭕️

Genesis Collection

Mint, Collect and Share in the Groove

PhanSets Genesis Collection Celebrated 40 years of Phish, while supporting our Phan community and our planet with contributions to organizations such as Groove Safe, and The Surfrider Foundation.

Visit our Collection FAQ


Eternal Life and and Never Ending Splendor.

We partied in NYC at our YEMSG IRL ticketed Event.
We Phingo'd
We Couch Toured.
We Phantasy Drafted

© PhanSets 2024 a JamLabs Ventures Production